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Friday, January 15, 2010

All Blessings Count

Do you count your blessings? I don't just mean the obvious ones like family, freedom and health. I'm not discounting them, because they are super blessings. But I mean the ones that are unexpected, random in nature. They can happen so subtly that if we aren't looking for them they can go unnoticed. What a waste!
  They might seem trivial but even trivial blessings are blessings worth counting.
I'll give you a couple of examples.
The other night I was walking the dog around the block and I spotted a dismantled basketball hoop on the edge of a neighbor's yard with a "Free" sign posted to it. I have wanted to get the kids a basket ball hoop for a long time but it wasso far down on the priority list that it would have likely never been bought. I count this as a blessing.
Yesterday I met a financially successful man who was looking for someone to talk to. He talked my ear off for an hour and at the end of the primarily one sided conversation he offered me a discounted rate on his condo in Whistler any time I want! I did nothing to earn this. I consider it a blessing.
I want to see some posts from you.


Financial Student said...

So did you take the hoop or the condo?

I count it as a blessing when my cat yacks on an un-carpeted area.

Heidi said...

Blessing: Knowing someone is walking ally :)