It's all in the getting there. I have finally been able to take that statement to heart in the past year. I'm a goal setter. I like to start with a dream then write it down in specific detail with a time frame and the whole bit. Often I attain the goals that I set out to accomplish. But sometimes I don't. It has nothing to do with my process. My process is the same every time but sometimes God has another plan and everything that I have planned goes out the window. It is then that I need to trust in God, not get anxious and just wait. One fellow at our care group paralelled this experience with Moses in the desert. God led him around in the desert seemingly doing nothing from a human standpoint for 40 years! I am not where I planned to be right now. But I am no longer discontent to be here. I am at peace in the desert, the promise land will be mine someday because the promised land is Heaven. So even if I do not reach my human goals, something far greater is awaiting me after my body starts pushing up daisies. It's all in the getting there.
Life is a journey, we need to take advantage every experience as an opportunity to please God and to gain wisdom.
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