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Friday, January 1, 2010

The Past Decade

I got married, had 4 kids, 2 dogs, 1 llama and 23000 chickens. I moved 6 times made 6 career changes, owned 7 different vehicles. I went to Disneyland 10 times Disney World 1 and to 5 different countries. That is a lot of stuff packed into a couple of sentences.
I never quite understood the people who have said that they have no regrets. I do. Of course I have regrets. But I also have prizes, jewels that I will have with me forever, or at least until I get dementia and forget it all. I knew a guy with dementia once. His name was George. He would go down to the basement and drink beer, smoke cigarettes and tell stories about the past as best he could recall. But he would forget how many beers he had and how many cigarettes he smoked and I would sometimes catch myself thinking "that 's not so bad".


beans said...

I will read your blog. Very interesting. Count me as a follower.

Unknown said...

Cool thanks!